Physical therapy and strength coaching services at YOUR convenience


About Elevate

Elevate Physical Therapy and Training is a locally owned physical therapy practice operating out of the BioFit gym in Overland Park servicing the Kansas City Metro area that offers a range of services to help clients reach their health and wellness goals. From pain relief to injury prevention and athletic performance, our team of professionals is dedicated to providing quality, personalized physical therapy and wellness services to each of our clients. 

We offer both in-home and in-office visits, as well as athletic skill development and online coaching. Our goal is to help each of our clients achieve their goals and reach their full potential.


At Elevate, we believe in holistic wellness for a thriving life. Our services empower you to take control of your health, offering support for stress, nutrition, fitness, and more. Explore our offerings and start your journey to a healthier life with us as your partners. Contact us for a customized wellness plan.


Elevate Physical Therapy and Training offers high quality, client centered, holistic care. Whether our clients need pain relief, rehabilitation or help reaching their fitness goals, our team provides individualized plans that assist our clients with returning to living their best life.

Excellence is at the heart of our mission. We strive to be at the forefront of our field, continually expanding our knowledge and expertise to offer the latest advancements and techniques in physical therapy and strength coaching in Overland Park. Our holistic approach requires that we look deeper than the surface to find the root of our client’s problems and create solutions with lasting results.


“When I came to Jacob, it was for pain in my neck and heel. I needed a program to incorporate both with the compassion to listen to how I feel during my sessions when we target them and if it interferes with the other. Well, I found it. I am now pain free able to walk without a AFO brace for my heel. I am on the mend for my neck and increasing my body tone finally after not being able to after 5 years. Jacob has been a great trainer for me and his programs he works for me has worked."


I am 64 and I have arthritis. When I started with Jacob, I had injured my joints through overworking them and I needed physical therapy. I wished for finding a personal trainer who was also a physical therapist. My wish came true with Jacob. The workouts are great. He pushes me in ways that make me stronger, but never so hard that it causes injury. In fact, he will address any pain I may have with a therapeutic approach. The pain I previously felt in my joints is now practically gone. Most of the time I don't feel any pain at all. Plus, I am now walking 2-3 miles per day. I have more endurance for hiking and exploring. It has been great! I look forward to continuing to get stronger and more fit."


Elevate Your Experience: Discover the Difference

Tailored Health Programs

Elevate offers personalized plans for holistic health, bridging the gap between therapy and overall wellness, ensuring sustainable health outcomes.

Proactive Health Approach

We prioritize preventive care and proactive health strategies, emphasizing the importance of wellness before injury or disability occurs, fostering a healthier community.

Expertise and Excellence

Our commitment to excellence is evident in our continual advancement in physical therapy and strength coaching, providing high-quality, client-focused care for optimal well-being.

Community-Centric Focus

Elevate is deeply rooted in the community, providing not just services, but a health partnership. We empower individuals to live pain-free, fulfilling lives, reflecting our core belief in community wellness.

new client process


Our Discovery Call is the first step towards a pain-free life. During this phone call, we'll get to know you and your goals before scheduling you for an initial consultation. We want to ensure we are the right fit for you before you invest time and energy into working with us.


Start your recovery with an Initial Consultation to delve deeper into your body's issues. Our skilled therapists will analyze your movements, create a personalized plan, and offer quick relief. Don't delay feeling better. Book now.


After the Discovery Call and Initial Consultation, it's time to kick off your treatment. We closely track progress and make adjustments to guarantee the best possible recovery. Embark on your journey to enhanced health and mobility with us.

Don't delay feeling better.


Dr. Jacob Jacobs | Physical Therapist, PT, DPT, CSCS, MBA

Dr. Jacob Jacobs is the owner of Elevate Physical Therapy and Training. With a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree under his belt, Dr. Jacobs is not just an expert in the field; he is an advocate for life-long wellness and longevity.


Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist


By Jacob Jacobs 19 Jul, 2024
Mobility drills recommended by top physical therapists in overland park
By Jacob Jacobs 02 Jul, 2024
Improving your top speed is a goal shared by athletes across various sports, from sprinters and football players to soccer stars and rugby players. The quest for speed is not just about raw talent but also about smart, targeted training. Three highly effective drills, recommended by Overland Park personal trainers, to achieve this are resisted sprints, drills to enhance leg drive and wall drills. Here's how these techniques can help you accelerate your speed gains. Resisted Sprints Resisted sprints involve running against some form of resistance, such as a sled, parachute, or a partner holding a strap. This method challenges your muscles in unique ways, enhancing strength and power which directly translate into faster sprints. Many personal trainers in Overland Park utilize resisted sprints with athletes of all ages to see the following improvements. Increased Strength and Power : By adding resistance, your muscles work harder than they would during regular sprints. This builds explosive strength and power in your glutes, hamstrings, and calves—key muscles involved in sprinting. Improved Acceleration : Resisted sprints focus on the acceleration phase of your sprint. The added resistance forces you to push harder at the start, improving your initial burst of speed. This is particularly beneficial for sports that require quick, short-distance bursts of speed. Enhanced Muscle Coordination : Running with resistance enhances neuromuscular coordination, teaching your body to recruit muscle fibers more efficiently. This improved coordination translates to better performance during unresisted sprints. Better Running Mechanics : Training with resistance often highlights flaws in your sprinting technique. Over time, as you adapt, your running mechanics improve, leading to more efficient and faster sprints. If you have any questions on what your flaws may be, working with a personal trainer in Overland Park is a great way to detect them and safely adapt them. How to Implement Resisted Sprints : Sled Pulls : Attach a weighted sled to a harness around your waist and sprint over short distances (10-20 meters). Partner resisted sprints : Have a partner hold a strap that is anchored around your waist and have your partner provide resistance as you sprint; you want your partner to make you work but do not have them provide so much resistance that you are just running in place. Leg Drive Leg drive refers to the force and power your legs generate to propel you forward. A powerful leg drive is crucial for achieving top speed according to many top Overland Park personal trainers. Strength Training : Incorporate exercises like squats, deadlifts, and lunges into your routine. These compound movements build strength in your quads, hamstrings, and glutes, which are essential for a powerful leg drive. Plyometrics : Exercises such as box jumps, bounding, and depth jumps enhance explosive power and improve the elasticity of your muscles and tendons, contributing to a stronger leg drive. Sprint Drills : High knees, butt kicks, and A-skips help improve your leg drive mechanics by emphasizing knee lift and foot placement. How to Implement a Leg Drive Drill : Seated hip flexion : Sit on the floor with torso upright and legs straight. Keeping your leg straight, raise your leg up and over a cone and place back on ground, switch to other leg and repeat. Wall Drills for Posture and Acceleration Many athletes also utilize stationary drills to improve posture. Incorporate this wall drill into your next warm up before completing sprint training. Begin facing a wall or solid object, standing about one meter away Lean forward at a 45 degree angle while keeping the body and spine straight and reach out hands to the wall Raise the right knee and freeze momentarily at the top of the motion - use this time to ensure the glute is activated, toes are pulled up towards your shin and that you are on the toes in the stance leg After your pause, drive the right leg down stomping violently onto the ground then driving your left leg up. This should not be a jump so do not do these two motions simultaneously. Keep awareness on the posture of the body By consistently integrating these exercises into your training routine, you can significantly improve your top speed. Resisted sprints build the power and strength necessary for acceleration, leg drive exercises enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your sprinting mechanics, and wall drills ensure correct posture. This combination is a proven strategy by many personal trainers in Overland park for breaking through your speed barriers and achieving new personal bests. If you’re looking for a team to help take your top speeds to the next level before next season, contact Elevate today! Our personal trainers are ready to create a customized plan for you to ensure success on and off the field. We look forward to working with you!
By Jacob Jacobs 21 Jun, 2024
Warm ups recommended by overland park personal trainers
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